Thinking About Texts





This week we dove into the realm of text. Text is something that I didn’t realize had so many in depth layers to it. Personally when I thought of the word text I thought of the most simple form which I consider reading and textbooks. Eyman explains that it is again connected to digital rhetoric which doesn’t surprise me. Text in the realm of digital rhetoric can come from pictures, music, videos and audios as well as hyperlinks. He went on to explain the seven layers that I didn’t know existed but now make more sense. The seven layers are cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informality, situationality, and intertextuality.

Digital Rhetoric

In the world of digital rhetoric he explained to also consider the audience and be as influential as possible. This is because text can be interpreted in different forms like previously mentioned. Ali Darwish and Gunther Kress explained that texts are essentially made to fit into the different social and cultural environments. Nowadays technology is always advancing, updates for devices are always coming out and technology is starting to become more interactive. These text change with the times as well and they can change or even become customized on some devices. The best example is something that we all use, our iPhones. On our devices and especially at our young age we have become so dynamic and capable of change whenever there is a new advancement. This is something that older generations usually always struggle with as they are not as well adapted as we are.

What Does He Want us to Know About Text?

What Eyman wants us to essentially think about is reshaping our own understanding of text as we know it. With these new forms of communication we must always keep in mind to influence our audiences. At the end of the day this will only help us gain better understanding for the digital world. 


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