How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • The Power of an Image

    The Power of an Image

    Visual rhetoric is a combination of digital rhetoric and visual literacy. It consists of the way images and pictures can influence or persuade an audience.

  • Imagery, Symbolism and Interpretation

    Imagery, Symbolism and Interpretation

    Both rhetorics work together in numerous ways, but the difference is the production and analysis. Example of visual rhetoric is making the infinity sign.

  • How Visuals Shape Digital Communication

    How Visuals Shape Digital Communication

    Our interpretation of digital content is shaped by visual rhetoric. Elements including layout, typography, and color create engagement and meaning.

  • Definition of Visual Rhetoric?

    Definition of Visual Rhetoric?

    Visual Rhetoric is a key factor in Digital Rhetoric. Though, even Visual Rhetoric has its complex ideas and various definitions from others.

  • Digital is the new Visual

    Digital is the new Visual

    Since visual rhetoric doesn’t have many qualities, I believe digital rhetoric is equivalent to a root folder while visual is a subfolder.

  • Visual and Digital

    Visual and Digital

    This week was all about visual rhetoric and the images that we see. Eyman stated that these images hold deep meaning and go along with digital rhetoric.