Category: Wk 14: Interactivity
Wk 14: Humans meet Computers to meet Humans
The connection between humans and computers is humans! Understand how computers cater to our needs thanks to ourselves while learning from us
Talking About HCI?
HCI?! Here we are again! Decoding another section of Eyman’s infamous work. In last week’s class in groups, we were told to discuss…
Doug Eyman: Homecoming
No matter how much we try to escape, we’ll always find our way home. When understanding digital spaces, we always come back to Doug Eyman.
Interactivity, the cornerstone of the internet
The one thing the internet is known for is their interactivity, but how does that apply to to digital rhetoric? And how can it help us understand?
Human-Computer Interaction and Digital Rhetoric
Digital Rhetoric is a very relevant term that relates to a multitude of different digital areas. In this piece, Eyman relates it to HCI.
Human-Computer Interactions (HCI)
A look at the relationship between HCI and digital rhetoric through the lense of Eyman, along with a personal story about everyday technologies.
Interactivity (Human-Computer Interaction)
Human- computer interaction (HCI) helps people access computer technology easier. Other sources such as digital rhetoric and coding align
Digital Rhetoric and its’ Interactivity
Digital rhetoric is present in various fields outside of literature. This is explored in Doug Eyman’s “Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice.”
Digital Spaces
Digital rhetoric has a lot of different areas to study. Digital rhetoric is not something to over look as of our life gets more digital.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
A final look at Eyman’s chapter digital studies by looking at HCI, CSS, digital rhetoric and its larger cultural story.
Lobster Slots, or, Today’s Interactivity
Lobster Slots is one of many apps created to demonstrate a flawed system. It demonstrates our current relationship with technology.
Network of Interactivity
Interactivity allows people to connect and interact with one another. Social media helps expand the number of people who can interact.
Analyzing Interactivity
Analyzing interactivity is key to understanding how new media needs its own study. New media needs its own theories and ways of thinking.
Interactivity in Digital Spaces
Interactivity is an important concept when it comes to digital spaces. There are many ideas about interactivity, but the most popular one is Eymans.
The Sense of Interactivity
In this blog, the term interactivity is broken down according to Warnick and Eyman and introduces old and new media along with examples.