Author: Kailyn Kennedy
Discovering Intertextuality:
Intertextuality is something that most people commonly use in their everyday life without even realizing it; here’s how.
What is Visual Rhetoric?
In this blog, the concept of digital rhetoric and visual rhetoric and how they are connected is brought up by many theorists.
The Sense of Interactivity
In this blog, the term interactivity is broken down according to Warnick and Eyman and introduces old and new media along with examples.
New platforms, new technology, and new communication
Learn how search engines such as Google has impacted the way humans read and how it has changed media. Has the technology advanced too much?
Connection Between Digital, Electric, Computational, and Techno Rhetoric
In this blog, these four types of rhetoric: digital, electric, computational, and techno are all highlighted and defined.
Technology Continues to be Advanced
Technology continues to be advanced daily, but is it too much? Is technology unnecessarily advancing, or are we doing it for the better?
How The Web is All Connected
Everything is always connected and in this text Applen connects these four terms: modularity, interactive, database, and new media.
Breaking Down Remediation:
You will see how the term “remediation” is broken down in Applen’s point of view. We find a new way to look at things using remediation.
Evolution of the term “text”
In this excerpt, you will learn how the term “text” has been changed from a limited term to a much broader term throughout the years.
New Media Slang Vs. Old Media Slang
Old media and new media has definitely evolved due to the change in technology. Slang is also more common in today’s society.
How many literacy types are there? What do they mean?
Why are there so many types of literacies and what do they mean? Learn about the different types of digital literacies and how you relate!
Is Digital Rhetoric a Form of Art?
There is a lot of controversy between the term digital rhetoric. Is it a form of art of is it something much greater than that?
What is Digital?
“Digital” has been thrown around for years and it is part of our history. Whether it be in writing, fingers, or online everything is digital.
Information Technology Security
Ever wonder how easy it is for someone to find out all your information online? Learn how to keep information private and safe!