Discovering Intertextuality:





Kailyn Kennedy

Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, and Practice” written by Douglas Eyman, he brings up theorist Warnick to support his claims. He adds Warnick’s opinion on intertextuality and explains it in great detail. On page 33, it states that they use intertextuality as a resource. “The probable roles of Web users as readers when they interpret and are influenced by the texts they encounter.” This quote highlights how people can be easily influenced by the texts they read. Whether it be online, in a magazine, or in a book it is easy to persuade someone. To me, the way that people interpret things can sway them to a certain side, even if it’s nothing up for debate. For example, if someone is just starting to get into baking. They might read a beginners journal to get some ideas and to help them determine if they really want to get into that career or not.

Example of Intertextuality:

Intertextuality would be the intertwining of two concepts. Therefore, an example would be when you teach students how to paint and then go into depth about the painting. In further detail, say you project a picture for your students to paint. They try to paint that picture to the best of their ability. Then, after they paint, you go into the lesson about the history behind it, why they painted it, etc. Even giving them a short text to read about during the painting would be a good idea to help “intertwine” the ideas of the painting and the history behind it. More on how the web is all connected here.


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