Category: Wk 2: Intertextuality
Intertextuality: What Is It Exactly?
Explore the concept of Intertextuality, where stories reference each other, deepening your connection and understanding of literature.
Eyman jumbled my brain (in a good way)
Doug Eyman in his article titled “Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric” talks about the relationship between texts online vs. offline
Week 2: Intertextuality
Old texts and new texts have their own theories and methods on how to observe them, but combining them beings new aspects to intertextuality.
Intertextuality Needs to Be Known!
Doug Eyman sure makes it a challenge for students to understand what intertextuality is. But I think I got the gist of his introduction.
Opinions Matter: Rhetoric Edition
“align theories and methods of classical and contemporary rhetoric to networked texts and new media as objects of study” (Eyman, 2015)
Digital Rhetoric: The ins and outs
Rhetoric is an important component in writing with its molding to fit the type of writing it’s for and for digital writing, it’s no different
Intertextuality and its importance described by a college student, along with a description on Doug Eyeman’s chapter on the subject.
Intertextuality allows web authors tend to “help” other authors in mentioning something from another source, according to one’s privacy.
It’s important for intertextuality to be acknowledged in a different light as times progress– but how do changing times truly impact it?
The Inevidability of Intertextuality
How intertextuality shapes writing and digital rhetoric, influencing communication, with insights from literary dynamics and Doug Eyman.
Understand intertextuality correctly
Intertextuality generally refers to the interrelationship between different texts. So, what else do you know about intertextuality?
Memorable Moments: Intertextuality
Not only was she last class’s most memorable moment, but she was the perfect example of this post’s topic, Eyman’s take on intertextuality.
It is important to read a lot in order to fully understand things being said in a conversation. However, the internet impacts this.
Intertextuality in Technology
As the differences between traditional and digital spaces continue to grow, potential issues are created when discussing intertextuality.
Intertextuality Isn’t That Hard
What is intertextuality? It’s the act of referring to an existing text within your own text. Confused? Don’t be. You’re already an expert.