Information Technology Security


While reading “Understanding and Maintaining Your Privacy When Writing With Digital Technologies” by Lindsey C. Kim, it explained in great detail how privacy shapes a writers writing. Kim also mentions how there are also two types of privacy: spatial privacy, which Woolf defines as having a space to yourself with no interruptions, and information privacy, which is more digital based privacy. In addition, the article also mentions different tools on how to protect your information online such as “Ghostery” which is a browser that helps block third party tracking websites to protect your privacy. Metadata is the “most invisible data that we produce online” (page 4) which I thought was pretty interesting how there is so much behind the scenes online that majority of the population probably barely knows about, especially since it is about their private information.


There are also algorithms online that filter out searches for you based on certain things you’ve liked in the past on social media or things you’ve searched up on the web. This is accurate because say you like something on TikTok with a dog in it, the next time you open up the app I bet you’ll see a bunch of cute dog videos. One interesting fact I learned from this article was when Safia Noble, “a researcher and professional in digital communications” (page 7) discovered that sexism and racism can also be filtered through your social media accounts, etc. so that way that is the only kind of pop ups and recommendations that you see on your feed.

Algorithms Con’t:

Ever wonder why when you text something to someone or have a conversation with someone your phone or device will create ads on your phone similar to whatever your were talking about? Weird right. This has happened to me so many times, and it really gets you thinking are my private conversations actually private? Same thing with my Alexa in my house. That device is constantly listening waiting for the “Hey Alexa” moment so does that mean that it is listening at all times? If so, who is listening in on our private conversations.

Educational Uses of Technology:

Now looking at the next article, “Messy & Chaotic Learning: A Domain’s Presentation at Keene State College”, by Martha Fay Burtis, she highlights the importance of knowing how search engines work and that the algorithms matter. Burtis also brings up LMS and how it is a convenient tool that helps teachers easily share files online and allows people to actively discuss and participate without having to speak up in a classroom since it is all online based. It was also helpful with the grading systems and keeping everyone’s grades visible, private and organized and also offers student ID cards for every student.

Pros and Cons of Teaching and Technology:

However, like everything else, there are pros and cons to this. The pro is that it is easy to maintain, but for the teachers who are old school and are stuck in their habits and routines from previous years, it will be harder for them to shift to something online since technology is probably not their strong suit. This can also relate back to when the pandemic first started and school became online and teachers had to figure out how to hold blackboard and zoom meetings to communicate and teach students. In addition, an in between (so not a pro nor a con) would be teaching students how to protect their privacy and use the internet appropriately. Teaching students about online privacy and how to make social media or any platform account private is a crucial part when emphasizing cyber security.


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