Author: Angie Haro Moreno
Intertextuality is a strategy
Intertextuality is a strategy used in online environments. This resource has been used by new media creators
Structure of Visual Rhetoric
Structure of visual rhetoric is affected by culture. Images, such as memes, portray an idea or feeling in the web.
Analyzing Interactivity
Analyzing interactivity is key to understanding how new media needs its own study. New media needs its own theories and ways of thinking.
Evolution of media
When we discuss the evolution of media, we should consider how we view and react to traditional literacies and new media.
Text is More than Printed Words
Text can be used to encourage social action. A text lets us put together more than just words. We can also use symbols, pictures or objects.
Words on Paper and Words on Screens
We have words on paper and words on screens. It depends on our purpose to decide which technology is better.
Writing is a Conscious Decision
Writing is a conscious decision that we make. The influence of written, print and oral culture influence our communication.
Defining Digital Literacy
Digital literacy means to recognize when we put into practice previous knowledge and put it into practice in the digital world.
What is Digital Technology?
“Digital” and “Technology” are often associated with one another. However, digital also means using our fingers to communicate.
Privacy in Digital Spaces Within the Classroom
Privacy in digital spaces may be harmful in the classroom environment. Students rely on the access of their assignments and grades.