Category: Refining Terms
Programming: Unseen Rhetoric in Digital Media
We all use digital technology, but what we don’t realize is that there is a hidden layer of rhetoric within the program running it.
Refining Terms
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How Important is Coding Really?
Coding is a form of digital rhetoric that we tend to ignore, when in reality, it is one of the most important forms of digital communication.
The Rhetorical Study of Code
Coding or programming has been debated as a form of rhetoric since the first computer was invented. What makes coding different.
The Understanding of the Characteristics of Code Studies
The Three Characteristics of Code Studies explaining their importances to its rhetorical study and qualities and capacities of code.
The Strange World of Rhetorical study of Code
We look into the works of Brock’s “Toward the Rhetorical Study of Code” and his take on rhetoric and how it intertwines with coding.
Software Codes as Meaningful Communication.
Code is a very import form of rhetoric.It is a bridge between human intent and the execution of task performed by computers.
Code and Procedural Rhetoric
Today we look at how code is rhetorical and promotes communication and how procedural rhetoric can be used to persuade people in digital spaces.
Rhetorical code studies
Procedural rhetoric involves software, code, and algorithmic procedures. Coding is a digital rhetoric discipline that influences interactive communication.
The World Of Digital Rhetoric
Digital, Electric, Computational and Techno forms are rhetoric are somewhat identical terms but work in different ways when we think about rhetoric.
Digital Rhetoric; Competing Terms
Digital rhetoric can be broken down into 3 different terms. They are defined as alternative titles that have been suggested by others.
Rhetoric: Alternative Terms
Digital Rhetoric has been defined multiple times throughout the years with new terms being created from the original phrase.
Understanding Rhetoric
Describing the similarities and differences and understanding how to become electric rhetoric, computational rhetoric, and technorhetoric.
Connection Between Digital, Electric, Computational, and Techno Rhetoric
In this blog, these four types of rhetoric: digital, electric, computational, and techno are all highlighted and defined.
Alternatives of Digital Rhetoric
Eyman offers multiple alternatives to the term ‘digital rhetoric’. This post offers guidance when diving into the three main alternatives.