Digital Rhetoric; Competing Terms




Angela Adase

            Digital rhetoric can be broken down into 3 different terms. These terms are: Electric, Computational, and tehcnorhetoric. These words are also defined as alternative titles that have been suggested by others. I was not aware of these terms prior to reading the article that further explained them. When I think about these terms, I think about how they relate to digital rhetoric and communication. When it comes to computational rhetoric, the idea of computational thinking automatically comes to mind.

Electric Rhetoric

            This form of rhetoric can be described as a rhetorical analysis of electronic texts. When I think about this, I think about the different forms of writing. There have been significant changes in writing due to electronic forms of communication. This concept again takes away from the use of pen and paper. Communication is also to be presented using laptops and even phones. Writing can be done on computers and be turned in on websites, for school purposes. Documents can be typed up and emailed in order for others to receive the information faster. Thinking about this concept has made me realize that I haven’t written an essay on paper in years. This is pretty interesting to think about, as essays are completed at a faster pace via computers.


            It is known that rhetoric is described as strategic choices to and approaches to communication. Adding the term techno to the word rhetoric talks about the strategies in the technological world. For example, talking to different groups about the same topic means that different approaches are going to be taken. Certain details depending on the group’s interests are either going to be left out or included. This is not a term that I was aware of before further reading about it.

Digital Rhetoric:

            This section of the article ends with the definition of the word rhetoric itself. It also makes you think about how the three terms are incorporated within the word. Digital rhetoric is defined as the application of rhetorical theory to digital texts and performances. One of the primary factors that’s included is the potential for building social communities. I think this is an important factor because digital communication allows people to come together as a community.


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