Agency on the Web





As we progress in a digital age, many of us can agree there was no handbook distributed as to how the internet works. The best way to describe our handling of the internet is the equivalent of being thrown into the ring. With articles written by Lindsey Kim and Martha Fay Burtis, issues derived from the age of media have been brought to light and ways to properly address agency on the web and privacy.

Web Navigation

Introducing new topics can be unpredictable. It requires navigating various sources and methods. Using digital technology often means grappling with a cloudy environment where privacy risks remain unclear. In chaotic learning contexts, individuals frequently engage with new platforms and tools. This exposure can lead to potential privacy concerns. Many of us connect to public Wi-Fi without realizing the dangers. These networks often lack encryption, allowing others to collect and read our data. This includes sensitive information like login credentials, financial details, and personal communications.

Kim’s writings help us navigate the unpredictability of digital environments. Writers and learners must take proactive steps to manage their privacy as digital technologies emerge. Her advice on understanding privacy risks and implementing safety measures emphasizes the need for learners to adapt to the chaotic nature of these environments.

Importance of Agency

Safety comes with agency in a new learning environment. It involves making informed choices and managing our learning process amidst uncertainty. Maintaining agency over our digital presence requires actively managing where we share information online. To have agency on the web, we must adopt safety protocols when connecting devices to public servers. For instance, using VPNs encrypts our internet traffic. This action makes it difficult for third parties, such as advertisers or hackers, to monitor or intercept our online activities. This control over our data enhances our ability to manage access to our personal information and helps maintain our anonymity online.

In summary, we need adaptability and proactive management in today’s evolving digital landscape. Whether navigating complex learning processes or protecting our digital privacy, we must stay informed. We should make intentional choices and adjust our strategies to handle unpredictability while maintaining control over our personal information.


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