Dog looking at cat between a glass door

Old vs. New: Speaking, Writing, & Literacy



Walter Ong believes that writing has transformed human consciousness. It begins by saying that writing is a powerful tool that makes people change their way of thinking. This reading dives heavily into the fact that writing is a form of technology. This is because it exists outside of our own little minds according to the text.


One major part I want to emphasize from what was mentioned in this text was when it stated, “ Think about some of the common expressions you use that, while they have meaning, are difficult to convey logically. ” Based on this, I understood that there are many phrases we use on a daily basis from everyday language. They are hard to sometimes make clear to either an audience in writing or even through normal conversations. The most common example I think of is “it’s raining cats and dogs.” Though we know this doesn’t mean it is actually raining cats and dogs, the message itself relies on more understanding than logic.

Defend Your Writing

Another point I want to touch on was that written words essentially have no power if they are not understood aside from how big or fancy they may be. The example given within this text resonates with me. I’ve been in situations where others have read my writing and I found myself having to explain my thought process. I often find myself feeling like I must defend my writings at all costs. This happens because the reader can’t see my thought process, leading to overthinking.

Ultimately, as individuals we need to be okay with the fact that things change over time and the new tools that are being implemented allow us to keep up with the evolving times. We must keep in mind that adapting to these tools will only help us in the long run.


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