Week 1:the Web Reading




Reading: “Understanding and Maintaining our Privacy When Writing with Digital Technologies, Lindsey C. Kim: 

Reading the pieces of information in Kim’s writing made me think a few things about my own writing. From my understanding, Spatial Privacy is a way to block out distractions when a person is physically in “their space”. I looked back on how I prefer my writing space. Overall I do prefer my privacy to allow focus and not have interruptions when I’m “in the zone” of writing. The same should be applied when writing on the Web, or anything related to the Web.


Data, Agency, and Flow of the Web

Furthermore in the writing, Kim mentions the Three Central Concepts which are: Data, Agency, and Flow.

Starting off with Data, information gets collected all the time. The amount of times a website is visited, every Google search, etc. I believe that some people do not take their online privacy seriously or don’t know how. When thinking about, it can be intimidating that information can be found about a person based on collected data, including private information.

With Agency, I envision it as taking precaution to make sure a person’s digital space is safe and secure. When people surf the net, their data and data tracking can be collected knowingly and unknowingly. When the personal information is taken by the algorithm, that same algorithm is slowly learning about a person and feeding them sources tailored to them. While it does sound good, the algorithm might give you items that you don’t want to see based on the collection of other people’s sources, which can turn into a toxic and unsafe space.  

Following next, is the concept of flow. It is how personal information flows and where exactly it goes. I think the concept of flow can also be applied to a personal life. If someone is sharing something personal to a trusted, specific person, having that information shared to an outside person/group would feel like a link of trust being broken.

Reading: “Messy and Chaotic Learning”, Martha Fay Burtis:

The Web is such a wide and open space, it can be hard to keep track of and how quick it seems to constantly evolve. The education system is heavily looked at on how it is effected by the Web. One part of the writing I found interesting was the common declining response from higher education systems regarding not trying to further understand the Web. Which, I can understand because the Web is so deeply rooted in almost every aspect of everyday life. It would be difficult to keep up with it, and it already is. 

LMS and the Web

From my understanding with LMS was used for more simple tasks in the early years. But, as the Web grew, so did LMS. And when it grew, losing it’s original goal, turned more into a “marketplace”. This made me think of how much the educational system has turned into a business. When tools advance so much, it can get difficult to understand how they fully work when there is so much involved in that tool. Along with this, it would almost be impossible to simply get rid of LMS because it’s everywhere and makes things extremely convenient. 

Personally, I compare this to cooking. Normally, there is a set rule on how to cook and make things, outside of safety reasons. Looking back in history, different foods and styles of food evolved by experimenting beyond what the unofficial set restrictions were.


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