Privacy and Agency


After reading these two articles I had many thoughts come to mind. Kim made many valuable and relatable points that I can certainly agree with. The author says how users can be exposed to many things. It also touches on how important privacy is and being able to actually understand how certain systems work. She also provided direct examples as to how privacy can be breached online in digital spaces. There are many different outcomes such as hacking and  ungranted access to files. After stating these safety issues, she made sure to mention how we can all maintain our privacy.

Kim mentioned how we should of course always be cautious of what we are sharing on the internet. Also, making sure we choose platforms that have the ability to actually protect your information is key. The author stated the issues and risks that are found on a daily basis when it comes to internet safety. It was mentioned how we can try our best to avoid running into these issues. Overall, privacy is the main thing that we must keep in mind when using these systems.


Burtis made many interesting points as well through her article. Going into the field of education I was able to understand where she was coming from and I can definitely agree to some of her points. She mentioned how students in a messy and non traditional classroom environment tend to experience a more down to earth and real learning environment. I can say that I see the potential within this statement; however, real learning environments seem to be the same to me if it was traditional and neat. Though students are experimenting and immersing themselves into the environment more, I believe that students who don’t are still experiencing a great learning experience. She touched on curriculum as well and how the teachers should give the students more opportunities to create their own learning process.

I do think there still needs to be some form of structure in the classroom. This will ensure maintenance and order.


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