Digital Privacy


Adamari Blanco


Having privacy when it comes to learning, studying and using the web is extremely important. Especially as college students we need to be more aware of online privacy when it comes to digital writing. Many people don’t understand that EVERYTHING we do online leaves a trace and most of us may think that just because we deleted it that it’s gone but the reality of it is that it’s not. For example, many of us post on social media. We may think that because we are removing it from our profiles that it’s been deleted. Unfortunately many jobs can still trace and find pictures or things you’ve posted on the internet because of the traces.

Privacy in Digital Technologies

In the text “Understanding and maintaining your Privacy When writing with Digital Technologies” by Lindsey C. Kim tells us the importance of digital writing when writing online. The article focuses on three important elements of information privacy which include Data , Agency and Flow. Data is when you can find any trace of your actions in the form of information. Agency is when you can create an effect based on your actions and flow is where our personal information goes. After reading this article I learned the do’s and don’ts when it comes to writing with digital technologies.

This article gets us to think about what data we want to share online because we have little control over what happens next. For example companies or websites such as social media provide us with terms but most of us never read it because of how long it is so we accept and agree to the terms without actually knowing what we are accepting. For the most part we are giving them access to our personal information too. Which is why online privacy is so important to everyone.

Read more blog post on Digital Privacy


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