Category: Uncategorized
Intertextuality is relating one text to another. It is prominent in the comic book industry, due to the continuation of the same story.
Today for the final blog post, we look at what is intertextuality as well as some examples of it as well as its relation to digital rhetoric.
What Exactly Is Visual Rhetoric?
This post discusses the concept of visual rhetoric and how it’s been implemented into our daily lives today without even realizing.
Visual Rhetoric and Images
Images are used in visual rhetoric and, by extension, digital rhetoric. Images can have much deeper meanings than whatever is surface level.
A Theatre Kid Does Visual Rhetoric
All the world’s a stage, so how does visual rhetoric apply to theatre and theatrical productions? It’s all in the design.
How are Memes Visual Rhetoric?
This blog post is about how memes can be used as an example of visual rhetoric and how visual rhetoric is used to Persuad.
Human Connections
Interfaces act as both an object and a location, according to Doug Eyman. How do humans make connection with tech, and what does it mean?
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Human-Computer interaction (HCI) can be seen in much of today’s society. Today, we define and connect it with digital rhetoric.
HCI and Digital Rhetoric
Human-Computer Interaction concerns the usability of certain interfaces. The usability of a platform is an integral to a platforms success.
Connections between Digital Rhetoric to Fields of Study
Connections between Digital Rhetoric and other fields of study are important to acknowledge and explore. We look back into Eyman’s writing.
Establishing Powerful Relationships
Interdisciplinary fields are often more impactful when relationships are formed and fostered benefiting from collaborations.
Rhetoric Procedural and Digital in New Media
Rhetoric within new media is prevalent throughout its creation. Through the readings of Applen and Brock we learn it’s influence on users.
Search Engines and Learning
Search engines make researching things easier and quicker, but this doesn’t mean it’s better. The process of learning is lost when using a search engine.
The Rhetorical Study of Code
Coding or programming has been debated as a form of rhetoric since the first computer was invented. What makes coding different.
Rhetorical code studies
Procedural rhetoric involves software, code, and algorithmic procedures. Coding is a digital rhetoric discipline that influences interactive communication.