Digital: What Does It Mean?





When the word “digital” comes to mind, I don’t think of the use of our fingers being considered digital. Texting, emailing, tweeting, blogging and many other forms of communication is considered a type of digital technology. This also made me wonder what an analog is and Eyman made a great comparison. He described an analog as a wave. Some may argue that digital is better than analog, whereas others argue analog is better than digital. Digital has the ability and advantage of being easily stored and transmitted without loss of the condition. Others argue that analog can be better for retaining information writing by hand rather than typing.

In Doug Eyman’s article “Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric”, he goes into further detail describing the definition of “Digital”. Eyman states “Digital also refers to our fingers, our digits, one of the primary ways through which we make sense of the world and with which we write into the world.’”(242) Believe it or not, anything that is done with our hands is digital. The way we communicate is done at our hands and fingertips, not just writing. As most of us can agree that most of our work is done on a computer. And so happens to be the fastest and easiest way to transfer information. Understanding the importance behind digital technology and the uses it has to offer is very important as technology is advancing every day.

Why is this information important?

As the English language is continuously progressing, understanding the true meaning behind the phrases “technology” and “digital” is very important and something that everyone should learn about and explore the deeper meanings behind the digital world. As technology is advancing every day, it is important that students and teachers dive deeper in understanding how important online digital networks are and how this enhances learning.

Read my recent blog post: Intertextuality: What Does it Mean?

Understanding media through the digital world.


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