
Intertextuality: Deliberate or Latent?





There is no text that is one hundred percent authentic. All texts are from the existence of other texts. Intertextuality defines as texts that borrow or use information from other texts. Something that Doug Eyman, and J.D. Applen have done quite often. Adding references, and arguments of different authors in their texts. However, even though it might be easier to accomplish in certain mediums than others, intertextuality does not only exist in printed texts.  Also on digital platforms, plays, movies. An example is the wand in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 

Intertextuality and Plagiarism

In the final chapter of the book, Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric, Warnick touches on another author’s view on intertextuality. Kristeva who believes that there is not a single text that is one hundred percent authentic. All new texts are from older texts. He also asserts that it is easier for web-based users to access information on intertextuality and how to incorporate it because of the convenience. Additionally, it can be intentional (deliberate intertextuality) or unintentional (latent intertextuality). Famous comedian, Amy Schumer has been facing some harsh criticism for the past few comedians of stealing their jokes in her performance. Since she denies having any previous knowledge of hearing the jokes, this occurrence will be classified as latent intertextuality. It is just a coincidence, but the jury is still out on that. 

There are times when a line is so common, and so many use it, that it is no longer considered plagiarism when other people use it. The phrase ‘Once Upon a Time’ in many fairy tale books is just one example. Also, the famous line “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”. Delivered by Johnie Cochran in the OJ Simpson trial. As a person who watches lots of sitcoms, I can name a long list of common scenes that I see in multiple sitcoms. Intertextuality is definitely unavoidable, but plagiarism should not.


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