Visual Rhetoric





Visual Rhetoric in Eymans article, this concept has many interpretations. Over all Eyman describes this as : “In the first sense, it is a product individuals create as they use visual symbols for the purpose of communicating. In the second, it is a perspective scholars apply that focuses on the symbolic processes by which visual artifacts perform communication” noted by Sonja Foss.

In a more simplistic sense, visual rhetoric has been related to anything from the images as a form of argument, the arrangements of elements on a page for rhetorical effect, text elements of a page… overall it is the design in composing a page rhetorically.

Visual & Digital Rhetoric

Digital vs. visual rhetoric In Eymans section of visual rhetoric, there is a relation between digital rhetoric. “While digital literacy is a requirement for using digital rhetoric (either analytically or as a framework for composition.) On the other hand, visual rhetoric is a example of a discrete set of methods and theories.” Which are available to use within the digital rhetoric context.” Although digital rhetoric is a concept on its own, you can also include visual rhetoric in that concept as well. Digital rhetoric refers to the study and practice of of persuasive communication in digital spaces. On the other hand, it is a subset of digital rhetoric… anything you can see physically, in a rhetorical sense.

As an example of visual rhetoric you can look at many examples of it. For example, take a political campaign for example–a political advertisement might feature a candidate smiling and interacting with voters in order to portray them in a way that is friendly and approachable. Moreover, advitersements, especially when it is in the digital world are all forms of visual rhetoric. Visuals are crafted to appeal to a particular audience and convey a certain message.


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