white creature sitting with arms open

Representational Image





The featured image of this post is an example of a representational image, which is a part of visual rhetoric. Just looking at this image, it is confusing. Is it some sort of dead animal? Maybe a cat? Or is it a toy? Is it in a museum? Could this be art? The more one looks at it the more questions one has. However, in a certain context, this image makes sense. I will be showing examples of how to use this image below.

"when she starts talkin about 'we' a lot, and ur tryna figure out when she started taking french" cat meme
"when you let the dog out and immediately wants back in" cat meme

In the first image, the creature represents a “and where did this come from” type of scenario. A scenario where you look around in disbelief. The second one represents going “and what was that for” or “you did that for what” type of scenario. This is a good example of a representational image because it shows the image only means something within a certain context. Not only that, it proves the image changes meaning depending on the context provided. 

Different Meanings of the Image

Without the scenarios, it would be very hard to figure out the meaning of this image. There are more meanings than the ones provided. For example, the meme could also be used when someone is so fed up that they have run out of words to say, so they send this image instead for a “what is this” type of situation. There is the just-for-jokes situation, where your friends think the meme of the creature is funny so they just send the image for a good laugh. If someone does the meme in person, where they just put their arms up and look around, the meme could be sent over texts so the other person gets more emotion for the text. 

The point of this is that without the scenarios the image means nothing. Someone has to give the image meaning with their words. Even with the words, one has to figure out how it is being said. Which one of the endless possible meanings is being used for that situation? Is it a joke, frustration, question, being fed up, looking around for a reason/response, or something else? This is the perfect meme to show for representational image because it proves how important the situation is.


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