Privacy on the Web



Privacy is a huge importance when it comes to learning to write among digital spaces. Most people don’t seem to be aware of this problem, nor realize they have privacy when writing. In Lindsey C. Kim’s article “Understanding and Maintaining Your Privacy When Writing with Digital Technologies” she believes and argues that when using digital spaces for writing, some have no idea how much of their privacy is being exposed to the internet. Providing the correct information and knowledge is the most important aspect of writing. Kim mentions three important elements of information online and how they both relate to writing digitally and networked activity.

Kim discusses her two main elements that she feels is important when writing with digital technologies. Her elements consist of having the proper knowledge of technological platforms. She also describes how to gain control over personal information. Second, she mentions the proper tools and browsers that can be used to gain knowledge about a services data practice.

How to Protect Your Digital Writing

After reading Kim’s article, I was able to learn different ways on how to protect my digital space. I was also able to learn the do’s and don’t before I post something to the public. Norton Plus is an online security and theft protection that I have downloaded on my computer. This notifies me when my privacy is being hacked or if there are any threats that have been detected on my device. I am able to determine what kind of web browsers are safe and what isn’t safe. Therefore, will hopefully protect my privacy going forward.


Although there are many cons using digital technology, these should always be recognized and taught in schools to make people aware of digital technology. In Martha Fay Burtis’s article “Messy & Chaotic Learning” she spoke on a speech she gave at Keene State College. There are many people out there who agree and disagree with her thoughts and opinions on teaching students about their digital privacy. However, this is a topic that must be spoken about to all age groups.

Learn how to protect your privacy on the web.


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