
Content & Medium




Emily Contreras

                As we reach the end of our readings of Brock, Applen, and Eyman we now have much more knowledge of rhetoric than before. We have explored the interconnections between digital rhetoric and digital platforms.  We see in truth how definitions we previously know can be expanded. Additionally, with this knowledge, we can be more aware of the influence of digital rhetoric. Specifically, we can recognize these influences in different mediums we encounter due to their content. Content and medium interplay with rhetoric as the content we create is catered to the medium being presented with. The rhetoric of that content is intertwined with the medium to be effective in viewing and reacting to it. Additionally, the rhetoric of the medium influences the content as it transforms how it is perceived and delivered to an audience. 


                Before we dive into examples of content and mediums interplaying with rhetoric, we should understand what exactly that means.

                Content in this context means a form of information in the digital sphere. This can be through pictures, artwork, videos, recordings, music, writing, etc. These are all forms of content as they contain information to be shared to the audience that it was made for.

                Medium in this context means forms of communication where the information or content can be shared. This can be varying digital platforms that allow for the sharing of information to a wider audience to interact with.

Digital Rhetoric is where tools within the digital space are used to influence people into persuasion of an idea or concept. This can also include Visual rhetoric, procedural rhetoric, and other forms of rhetoric that is prevalent in the digital world.

Scholars’ View

                I believe both Dough Eyman and Brock would agree with my thesis. Eyman would agree with my thesis as within his writing “Understanding Definition of Digital”  he makes the argument that anything “written” is considered digital as it was created by human hands. Thus, this includes videos, art, books, and more as it conveys information to the audience. Digital also refers to the coding of information through symbols which also communicates a message. This is exemplified in many forms of digital mediums to please their audience and encourage them to interact with their content. If mediums do not present good digital rhetoric then it will not convince people to interact with them.

Thus, the medium is a tool used in digital rhetoric to persuade people to interact, stay, and use it. Brock will also agree with my thesis through procedural rhetoric. Brock quotes Bogost, “the practice of using processes persuasively” Thus, procedural rhetoric influences the target audience into the desired behavior. The idea of the medium influencing how content is created in it is inherently procedural rhetoric. This is because certain mediums will not accept content that does not fit their requirement. Additionally, if the creator of the content wishes to gain an audience, they must cater to their content correctly and effectively for the medium to promote it.


                Instagram is an excellent example of how the content we create interplay with rhetoric. That is because the content is catered to the medium being uploaded. For instance, on Instagram, there used to be an effective way to reach your target audience by adding hashtags to every post that is relevant to what you are posting. An example of this would be an art post where the creator will use hashtags like ‘#art #illustration #drawing” and more specific ones in order to reach an niche audience. However, after Instagram’s continual updates to not only their medium but also their algorithm it has significantly changed the platform.


With new features such as reels and guides, Instagram also demonstrates digital rhetoric as it is attempting to include tools of other popular social media apps effectively to convince people to use their medium. This in turn makes the creators develop their digital rhetoric as they adhere to the tools available to them to make their content more appealing to the algorithm. This will then push it out to more people to view. Visual rhetoric also is important as the content is catered to the medium in order to be appealing to view. If the content is not appealing it will be pushed down the algorithm. Thus, this connects back to digital rhetoric as the creator did not use the tools correctly to persuade people.


                WordPress involves both digital and procedural rhetoric for the content to be created on the medium. Within WordPress, the medium influences how the content of blogs is uploaded. In the case of Digital Rhetoric, it interplays with the content. This is if the creator wants their blog to be accepted by the medium and successful in reaching an audience. Thus, the creators of the content will use the tools available to them to create their blog to persuade the medium to publish their work. Additionally, for the content to relay information to an audience it must be easily legible and accessible.

Thus, if the tools are not used correctly and make the post hard to engage with it will receive poor engagement. WordPress’ connection between content and medium is also exemplified by procedural rhetoric. The procedural rhetoric of the medium WordPress influences the audience, the creators of the content. This is seen as the only way to upload a blog to WordPress if it satisfies all requirements. If it does not it will not be able to be uploaded to the medium.


                Finally, YouTube exemplifies how the medium influences the content created on it, interplaying with digital, procedural, and visual rhetoric. Digital rhetoric interplays with medium and content as the tools available have to be used effectively. Meaning, if the creator of the medium does not adhere to the tools of YouTube it can risk their content to not be uploaded or seen. Procedural rhetoric comes into play as the audience, the creators of content must follow YouTube’s rules.

These would be the community guidelines as well as COPPA regulations. If they fail they will run the risk of their video being removed and their channel getting a strike. Finally, visual rhetoric interplays with content and medium as the content has to cater to the medium in order to be pushed to be seen. If the video is below a certain amount of time or it is low quality it will most likely not be seen by the algorithm.

How We Can Change Society

                After uncovering each example and understanding how they demonstrate content and medium interplay with rhetoric we can change society. For instance, we should collectively begin the importance of understanding and identifying digital rhetoric within the digital world. Through this learning, we can better identify when the mediums holding our content is influencing us positively or negatively. Additionally, we will be able to better identify when we are influenced by procedural rhetoric and what type of directions it is telling us.

Is it limiting our ability to communicate? How is it just? Could it be alienating a group of audience? Additionally, we should make mediums such as social media like Instagram, Twitter, and others more transparent in their algorithms. By doing so, the audience of these social media mediums will have access to more tools and information to avoid getting influenced. This benefits the audience as they will be able to recognize when they are influenced by addiction. Creators of content can also be aware if the algorithm is unfairly pushing their content away from their audience. They will then have the knowledge and tools to improve their engagement.


                Overall, within the digital space, there will always be mediums of all kinds available to a wide audience. These mediums will also have content that caters to the medium to be seen and promoted. Content’s rhetoric is influenced by its medium. Thus, the rhetoric of that content is intertwined with the medium to be effective in viewing and reacting to it.


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