New Media Incoming





New Media. It is a complicated subject to grasp. That being said, Eyman’s never-ending use of quoting other people’s definitions doesn’t facilitate comprehension. But if you process it a little longer and read it over a couple million times, the answers are unbelievably there!

“Digital media’s peculiar nature challenges traditional categories”

Packer and Jordan’s (2001)

There is definitely a peculiar nature to digital media. As we’ve learned this semester, the subject is incredibly expansive. I think there is an obvious point being made. That is how older media’s cruciality in playing a part in new media’s definition.

We are reshaping older media forms… or, in use of this semester’s most treasured vocabulary, we are remediating them. 

The Nitty Gritty

Using an example inspired by last week’s blog post discussion: cookbooks! We are all extremely familiar with them. We’ve all seen them in adult kitchens and interacted with the content within. I assume that an image has immediately entered your mind.

Now, think of where YOU get your recipes. What comes to mind? For me, it’s a picture of a beautifully garnished meal, and on some corner, there is a listed recipe. Minimal, of course. It has to fit as a quick post! Now think of where you get this kind of recipe. Pinterest? Instagram? I think this is important to note because it describes the progression of older types of media forms into newer, fresher, and quickly consumable new media formalities. This post usually leads you to the maker’s website, where they give detailed descriptions of the steps.

This kind of form falls perfectly into Manovich’s methodological approach.

“while not all computer-based media is multimedia, today’s multimedia starts with the computer, and takes the greatest advantage of the computer’s capability for personal expression”

Randall Packer and Ken Jordan’s (2001)

Surely, the page has pretty pictures, cohesive colors (integration), and somewhere you see an expansive list of the latest recipes (hypermedia). In addition, you will find a comment section (interactivity) where visitors can post various kinds of feedback. Subsequently, taking advantage of, as Packer and Jordan state, the computer’s capability for personal expression. If the rhetors methods work, you will find yourself interacting with this site as it was intended. Haha, they got you!

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