Part of Digital Rhetoric
Procedural rhetoric can be a part of digital rhetoric. This is because procedural rhetoric is a concept that explains how people learn through the authorship of rules and processes. Digital rhetoric can be defined as how a “text” is approached, afforded, thought of, perceived, consumed, and created by a variety of works and voices on different platforms. That definition includes the definition of procedural rhetoric. People who learn about history, personalities, different experiences, different types of people, and more through creating games are a part of both procedural and digital rhetoric.
Creating games, and coding in general, is a great example of how procedural rhetoric is a part of digital rhetoric. This is because you can learn a lot about a digital platform by learning the rules and processes of coding. You will learn the affordances of the platform, how it is consumed, how work can be created, and other aspects of digital rhetoric. This won’t be possible without initially learning the rules, processes, and authorship of coding. Learning to code, it unlocks a whole other world for you to witness. Creating a video game includes learning the constraints and affordances of the platform the game will be on. Understanding the digital rhetoric will help understand how the game can be made to the author’s liking. The digital rhetoric impacts the game’s story greatly. Researching in order to have more complex characters is how people learn with authoring.
Not a Part of Digital Rhetoric
It is very possible to learn through the authorship process but have it not be included with digital rhetoric. If the authorship is done for a book or newspaper, in other words, traditional media, then it wouldn’t count. Worlds can be created, people can learn through rules, and more without it having to be digital. Journalism is very procedural rhetoric as people are learning in order to be the author of an article. Journalism isn’t always done digitally. Researching different people to make your book more exciting by having different perspectives is procedural rhetoric without having to be digital. So while they can be put together when creating games, coding, or other forms of digital media, procedural and digital rhetoric aren’t always a part of each other.
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