An empty train platform

Society and it’s Medium





I found this reading to be very insightful. This chapter reminded me a lot of when people would refer to something as a “cultural reset.” This idea that the medium we use has an effect on our society makes total sense and I like that Brock provided the light bulb example (something Eyman would never do). It’s like how Vine had a huge impact on a lot of Gen-z and millennials. It’s hard to think you could create engaging content in six seconds yet that whole platform shaped the personalities of an entire generation.

I can’t say I haven’t thought about the effect a medium has/had on our society. This reading certainly brought back those ideas. It’s so fascinating to think of how our lives are impacted by new technologies. Brock also mentioned us jumping from URL to URL and being able to easily look up any questions we have and find answers. I could not fathom even having to go to a library, finding a book, and looking through it to find an answer to a question I had. If that was the time period I lived in I most likely just wouldn’t ask questions. Now I’m luck enough to get to question everything… yay.

Medium Damages

We talked about the damages of powerpoint or bullet point culture, if that even makes sense, and in reading more about it in the reading why don’t we just stop using it? I understand that this important information should be presented but maybe it shouldn’t? These companies, countries, corporations, governments, etc. have these teams of people to do their research. Why don’t they just leave it to those people to determine the answer based on their findings?

Just like with the NASA situation of the space craft/air craft. The team, or person, knew the implications of moving forward with the process. Yet the person in charge just wanted someone who would agree with them and just say yes. Despite the hazards it would cause if they went forward with the plan. Which is exactly how people died, in both situations.

The teams that these governments have shouldn’t even bother presenting the argument of why they should or shouldn’t move forward with the project. It should either be yes everything is running smoothly or no people will be at risk. Do the companies, countries, corporations, governments, etc. even know enough about the information being presented to understand what’s going on? I’m guessing not. I guess any press is good press, right?


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