Tag: new media
The Malleability of Human Creation
Human creation can come in many forms, yet express similar ideas between each of them. But, differently. Anyway, I nerd out some more here.
Secondary orality within Old & New Media
Secondary Orality refers to how a person’s literary skills can influence how they read certain media, but how does that apply to newer media?
The digital age requires digital literacy
To meet the challenges of the digital age, we need to improve digital literacy, so how do we do it correctly? How can we improve our digital literacy?
Intertextuality Isn’t That Hard
What is intertextuality? It’s the act of referring to an existing text within your own text. Confused? Don’t be. You’re already an expert.
The Digitalized Death of Privacy
Discover the demise of traditional privacy and the emerging threat of the digital era. Explore LMS and Lindsey C Kim on controlling your digital identity.
Intertextuality: Deliberate or Latent?
All texts are derived from other texts. Intertextualities exist in printed texts as well as digital and it can deliberate of accident.
Visual Rhetoric Exploration of Importance
We look into the works of Eyman learning the importance of visual rhetoric and what it is. We see how it relates to Digital rhetoric.
Rhetoric Procedural and Digital in New Media
Rhetoric within new media is prevalent throughout its creation. Through the readings of Applen and Brock we learn it’s influence on users.
Technology and its “message” affecting culture
We return to the works of J.D. Applen and looking deeper into the phrase “Medium is the Message.” We learn technology’s effect on culture.
The Strange World of Rhetorical study of Code
We look into the works of Brock’s “Toward the Rhetorical Study of Code” and his take on rhetoric and how it intertwines with coding.
Interactivity in New Media
The label of “Interactive” gets thrown around a lot when in comes to New Media in the digital age, but what does that actually mean?
The Different Connections With Dynamic and Static Texts
The elements that exist in digital texts, and the powers that are given in screen texts create a connection between a writer, and a reader.
Overusing the Term “Interactive” When Discussing New Media
This week we overanalyze a term yet again. Let’s take a look at Applen’s book, and dissect the term “interactive” and how it relates to new media.
New media? and the web.
New media? and the web. Can someone really define themselves with only using links to other people on the websites? How can we define ourselves?
New Media and Virtual Interaction
The idea of individuality in new media is something that is widely disputed. People take different things away from media based on life experience.