Tag: privacy
Digital Privacy
Agency, data, and privacy are elements needed when writing for digital spaces. The web each day is becoming an irreplaceable tool in our lives.
Agency on the web my thoughts
Here I talk about two texts about the internet I explain what those texts were how they were similar and said my thoughts
Web Privacy
Web privacy has its limits. We are never truly going to have web privacy. We never really think about that happens behind the scenes online.
Digital Privacy & Safety
Digital safety continues to become a growing concern for all users. How can we continue to keep our private information safe?
Digital Privacy While Writing
Digital Privacy, Data, Agency and Flow are important concepts when understanding how the internet works. Understanding internet privacy is essential.
Privacy and Algorithms
When you are made privy to just how our digital information is used and stored, it provides new meaning to the term “doom scrolling.”
Biased Thoughts on Privacy
Coming up with a domain is difficult. Having your real name makes businesses find your content easier. However, does that affect privacy?
Privacy for Students, Digital Writing, and Autonomy
College students today suffer from a lack of privacy as they navigate digital writing and autonomy on the web. What changes need to be made?
Digital Safety in Online Education
We use online services to better manage student grades for students, but we don’t always question where the data they collect ends up.
Privacy? More Like Piracy
In an evolving digital age, the demand for online privacy and the protection of information grows larger with each click.
Data Collection: Where does it end?
Data collection is a tricky conversation starter when discussing privacy on the internet. But, where does it begin and how do we end it?
Privacy in The Digital World
A discussion about technology and the way it can track individuals by invading privacy when using other media platforms.
Understanding the Internet
The internet is used in daily life everywhere. However, the internet can also be a dark and scary place that can and will have effects on people.
Learning about Technology
Technology has positive and negative aspects to what people can do with it. It is important for people to start learning about these aspects.
Developing Privacy and Agency to Establish Secure Personalized Digital Environments
Discussing the importance of privacy and agency when developing an online presence in order to be safe online. How can we stay safe?