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Digital Rhetoric





There are multiple ways to use media, to access anything around the world.

“Digital” and “Rhetoric” in a Space

Within digital space comes terminology. There are numerous layers in a space that requires a clear understanding. If an individual does not know about one thing, they will be lost for the reminder a basic understanding for even a chance at engaging in something else. In this case, one must know the definition of each “digital” and “rhetoric” in order for the literacy to fall smoothly in place.


The literacy it takes for one to understand “rhetoric”, one must also understand “classical rhetoric”. According to Muse, “Classical rhetoric as a comprehensive system of discourse theory remains unique among the rhetorical theories available to us”. (Theory, Method, Practice 44-45). There are 5 branches within the system, including: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. The University of Arkansas, mentions that these “canons” are best used in speaking publicly, but were also accepted in types of writing.


Aside from classical rhetoric that is mostly based on speaking, the other type of rhetoric is hyper, which is more focused on a digital platform. Muse says that HyperRhetoric is, ““a form of communication that continually invents and reinvents itself through an ongoing negotiation among users, developers, electronic content, and its presentation in a multimedia environment” (22).

This is style of device is helpful for multi sensory communication. According to all of the kinds of technology used to communicate, hyper rhetoric is beneficial for all people to access the media.

Relating back to literacy, terms follow after one another. In the same sense of a rope with multiple knots attached. Each knot are terms that one must be able to comprehend (literacy), before understanding the full understanding of a term. Literacy in a digital space is important to have, due to a lot of subheadings (ex. hyper rhetoric) having a lot of mini-headlines.


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