Picture is of two people sitting in chairs next to a tree looking at a sunset






Doug Eyman talks about how intertextuality is changing thanks to the web. Intertextuality is any text someone reads getting its meaning from other texts. That concept is hard when it is real-life conversations versus ones on the web. In person, it is possible to not understand what the other person is talking about. Research will need to be done later on in order to get the concepts. However, at that point, someone might forget what was being said. This is very different from what happens on the web. If there is a reference to something, the post might have a hyperlink to help the reader understand the concept. If it isn’t formatted that way, it will take two seconds to open a new tab and do the research. This can help people to better understand concepts and get discussions better.

While it is great people can understand things faster and easier, it takes away from the value. Things might not feel as a person when everyone is talking about it and this information is being spread super fast. Having people understand things within seconds can take away the hours you put in to know this information. You used to have to do hours of research on your own to understand things, but now this information can be quickly told to you in a Tik Tok. People are getting information out in quicker ways and thus people are understanding things faster. All this leads to people knowing a lot about a lot of topics in a very short amount of time.


Overall, I appreciate learning about the impact of references. I like how they help us to make meaning to other works and spark better conversations. I understand that the internet is making things complicated as there is a lot of pros and cons. It is nice to understand what is happening much quicker than before. Though I do miss how special it felt knowing something that most people do not. I appreciate references when I get them. It makes me happy having a better understanding of something compared to if I didn’t have that extra information. When I don’t understand it, I like the challenge of finding out what that reference is. The more you know the more meaningful the stuff you know becomes. I find that amazing.


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