

Sarah Abrego

What is Intertextuality?

Interactivity allows for people to apply what they know or understand to a text. This is more so possible with online text such as social media. To understand digital text, “text” needs to be broken down. Eyman’s “Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric” helps explain its meaning. In Eyman’s book, he states that text is not limited to printed text. Eyman says, through cultural studies and postmodern theory, a text can mean “any object, collection of objects, or contexts can be ‘read’ by tracing and retracing the slipping, contradictory network of connections, disconnections, presences, absences, and assemblages that occupy problematic spaces” (Johnson- Eilola 2010, 33).” This means that rhetorical meanings in digital texts are seen as a reflection of certain ideological backgrounds rather than being neutral or “self-evident.

Social Media

Social Media sites like Twitter and Instagram have a large following of people including young and old. These platforms allow for people to make posts online whether it be texts, videos, or pictures. In addition to these features, people on these sites can comment, share, and like these posts. This allows for people all across the globe to interact with one another whether positively or negatively. To avoid any negative interactions, there are options to “block” individuals who spread hate or who may “troll” people online in order to get a rise out of them. Overall, social media platforms allow for an inclusive interaction among everyday strangers. And these sites continue to allow for everyday interactions online for anyone with an internet connection.


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