Understanding how texts come together to display intertextuality





Angela Adase

In Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Media and Practice, Intertextuality is described in multiple ways. Eyman uses Warnick’s perspective on this term as he considers it a resource. He also refers to the word itself as multimedia compositions. When I think about this word, I think about the relationships between multiple texts to describe the same concept. Intertextuality can be used to interpret something in a certain way. This can also be used within assignments through the use of quoting and parody. Using references within an essay to describe a certain topic or argument is a good use of intertextuality.

Examples of Intertextuality

Intertextuality can be used in multiple ways during school. In order to prepare for and complete an assignment, it is important to review previous texts. These texts can help clarify the assignment and provide examples of what to include in the assignment. When doing a research essay, it is also important to read previous text to back up certain information for the essay. It is also a key factor to cite these resources used correctly in order to give credit to authors of these previous texts.

Another example of intertextuality can be found in social media. Memes are something that are posted on social media such as Facebook every day. In order to understand the meme, you have to understand both ends of it. The picture and the message the meme is trying to convey, In order for the meme to be funny. If it is not initially understood, referring back to the original meaning of the meme can help for further understanding.Memes can also be interpreted in different ways depending on the person. Even though the meme itself has original meaning, it can be used to describe different circumstances and be taken into different contexts. There have been arguments based on the meaning of memes, which can be very interesting.


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