Two envelopes, one beige one white, with two random grains of wheat next to them

Remediating Media





Applen really shed light on a lot of ideas and concepts on media I hadn’t even thought of until reading this chapter.

In class we came up with some solid examples of remediated works. For example: an instrumental cover of a pop song is remediation. Or lets say the movie Shrek to Shrek the Musical is a remediation. Taking inspiration from other wokrs and changing the structure or the way it’s presented serves as remediation. I was surprised when Applen mentioned a few examples himself. Like going from telegraphs to emails or handwritten works to printed documents. We would consider these forms of media as upgrades or developments in technology but the idea starts from somewhere.

Media & Emails

When talking about emails Applen had a lot to say. Emails have made it so we don’t have to worry about any errors in our message. So “good penmanship” is kind of out the window at this point. On the bright side we don’t have to wait weeks for our message to be sent and weeks for a reply. He did bring up, “email[s] are more like [conversations] then sending and recieving traditional letters.” My question is are they both not forms of conversation? Are you not having a conversation with someone you exchange letters to? Because maybe I have a skewed idea of both.

Applen had a lot of questions about emojis which I found rather funny. I could see where his thought process was and it had some truth to it. Sometimes it can be difficult to decipher exactly what the other person is trying to convey and thats without emojis! He mentioned there was no exact emoji that could be used for a specific emotion. That is true but we have worked our way around that. We have adapted to the emojis we were given. In doing so we have changed the meaning for certain emojis to convey specific emotions. I’m sure in the future we will have some remdediated form of emojis and perhaps email as well. Now when that happens I will be better informed of what these forms of media mean depending on what spaces we use them on.


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