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What is Remediation? World of writing.

In the age of print and the  late age of print, J.David Bolter discussed the various ways of how writing  on paper and on a computer affects our ability to think and communicate in the way we write. Ideas on remediation and Emoticon, are a few examples of what is briefly talked about in the chapter.

Throughout the reading Bolter explained the idea on the effects of writing spaces and remediation. Bolter uses it as a prime example of history. Where “age of print” and “late age of print” was a crucial moment for many reasons. One being the way we would be able to produce more copies of a manuscript. Then having to write by hand.  

In addition to this idea Bolter explains how we are currently living in a world of having an inbetween balance. Which means, our writing being printed or typed on a computer. Or how we still print, use word processing programs, email, and the web. The idea on remediation is discussed by Bolter as an example of refashioning.

The idea of Remediation

Furthermore we dive into the definition taken from the reading on “remediation”. As stated in the book “ remediation describes the shift to a newer form of media that takes some of the characteristics of a previous form but refashions it.” Remediation is a way where it shows us how all of the media are based on signs or text. As stated in the reading “ refers to things that are continually reshuffling and changing their relative values as we move on to newer communication technologies. (Bolter and Grusin 19).

It should be noted that writing things down does give an effect on how we perceive our writing. Bolter explains how as people write things down on a papyrus for example versus an oral communication, we could hear the words as they read them. Not only could we do that but we could also see them. “ giving the world a different claim to reality” ( Bolter 23). 

Nevertheless as it has been shaped and reshuffled now. For example when I read I hear myself reading in my head. I don’t think about the words specifically. Moreso I hear it rather than hear the words.


Differing from Remediation, Emoticon is argued and questioned in the book about whether or not emoticons can present the precise meaning that a carefully handwritten sentence conveys. While some may argue that it is. I have to disagree with that conclusion. Words speak louder, especially if it’s going to be written. I feel like there is a sense of honesty and sentiment when you write about a precise meaning.  I agree with the idea that emoticon might be similar to an object. 

Words, Pages and screens

Unlike Bolter,  Sven Birkerts is someone who thinks differently. In the reading they use the analogy of when Birkerts talks about when he writes a word on the computer screen “ floats on the surface like a leaf on the river” and is “less absolute” than “the leaf plucked out and held in hand” (155-156) What birkerts meant in this example was the idea that writing on a computer screen makes what you write seem artificial. Then if you were to write in print, it would be much more natural. 

In spite of the different ideas one might think about how they feel about writing on paper than on screen, I think that personally it is both a great tool to have both writing on paper and on screen as an asset. I spend a lot of my time writing on a screen but I feel like there is just as much personality and authenticity in it. Just like writing on paper.  There might be that argument where the process might be different. By that I mean that writing on paper requires much more thinking and focus.


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