Someone using a computer to access a website

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)





Justin F


In the last blog post, I talked about McLuhan and his beliefs. Today, I will discuss human-computer interactions or HCI.

In Eyman’s article, he offers a specific definition of human-computer interactions (HCI). It is a field of research and development, methodology, theory and practice, with the objective of designing, constructing and evaluating HCI systems. This concept mainly intertwines with computer science though it draws from psychology and sociology as well. It supports new media by having the goal of creating interfaces, software and hardware.

We interact with computers every day. The examples range from using our phones to using an ATM to get cash from our banks. This communication and execution of tasks is how HCI contributes to the overarching concept of digital rhetoric. It has connections between user and usability and responses to the user’s wants and needs. These interactive systems are intended to be given to humans who can use them as tools to carry out tasks. This exists in things like vending machines and even our own cell phones.

Food apps are an example of HCI that can be seen as digital rhetoric. You interact with the app to order food, but the app can persuade you with deals. For example, Starbucks has been notifying my phone every week that if I order on Thursdays, I will get double the rewards points. If you go onto most food apps, there will be deals and combos that the app advertises, which is a big form of rhetoric. This also exists in self-service kiosks at restaurants which persuade you to use them rather than a human being. You have the option to order yourself by interacting with a computer which for most people is more beneficial. Now more than ever we have endless ways to interact with computers.


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