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The Connection & Differences Between HCI and Digital Rhetoric




Alissa Damiano

According to Eyman, Human-Computer Interaction (otherwise known as HCI) is defined as a field of research and development, methodology, theory, and practice, with the objective of designing, constructing, and evaluating computer-based interactive systems.

Eyman states that the main connection between the two is the interface as well as the importance of it. Think about it, almost all of us use different interfaces every day. This could be for things like school, work, and even personal lives. Our main sources of communication stand within these interfaces. With this, it allows us to expand on our digital rhetoric without even realizing it.

HCI and Digital Rhetoric Differences?

HCI as a whole seems to focus more on the user’s needs and aspirations using technology. It seems to put more emphasis on the users themselves instead of the “teamwork” of both the user and technology. It also seems to focus a lot more on the programming aspect of specific software. In contrast, digital rhetoric seems to focus more on the communication aspect within the use of technology. This shared communication is often praised and studied by many in order to understand how and why we communicate online.

Digital rhetoric seems to be geared more towards understanding the persuasion and pull that readers get from reading rhetoric online. It is important to study this in order to get your important ideas out there for others to learn from. HCI seems to make users really think more in-depth about the psychological and cognitive processes that tie into how humans interact with these technologies. Though both of these are different in their own ways, they are both equally beneficial to one another since they all work together to make up the interfaces that users use and rely on every day on the internet. Without these two working together and even separately, these interfaces would not run in the ways we want and need them to in today’s world.


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