web with lock show how to protect data privacy

Access to Data





Voluntary and involuntarily Sharing Data.

When writing or engaging online, people knowingly or unknowingly give access to data about themselves and others. Most people fail to understand that almost every online search leaves a trace. In the article “Maintaining your privacy online.” a simple web search on a smartphone opens up lengthy data on a person (Kim). Data that is now free to share with third parties. Nowadays, technology is the way to go; it makes life much easier and information easily accessible. Especially in the classroom, teacher’s lives are drastically improved due to the implementation of technology.

Third-Party Access to Shared Data.

The idea that we sometimes unknowingly share data is evident in Brutis’ article as she talks about educators using technology to communicate, access, and track students’ work across the web. Student data is shared among third parties. In my school, we use Power School. We do not own PowerSchool, so we outsource information. If there is a problem, we have to call for support and give students info over the phone to resolve the issue. We don’t know exactly who we are sharing data with half the time, but we do it because we have no choice. For example, I use Linq Connect/Titan to run the school Meal program. I upload students’ data via an Excel spreadsheet to Titan and give them complete access. I knowingly give up data about students and parents because I have to. Once again, people knowingly and unknowingly give up data about themselves and others.

Student’s Personal Data Unknowingly and Knowingly Shared.

Unknowingly sharing important data Is so common that most people don’t blink an eye when giving out their personal information. At work, our enrollment packet asks parents to give the school permission to capture their student’s fingerprint for the lunch information. My school doesn’t have a system to manage fingerprints, so we send students’ information to third parties for it to work. This is how educators contribute to the sharing of student’s data. This covers unknowingly and knowingly giving up data about themselves and others.


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