Digital Vs. Analog





This weeks reading was in regards to the digital side of things. Digital in this sense is used in comparison to computerized and electronic. Digital systems are able to use clear units such as 1s and 0s and analog systems use signals. Some digital systems that we use today are known mostly as technology. This includes iPads computers and phones. The reading also explained that even our fingers are forms of digits since they are actual digits that we use. 

Digital Systems

In this reading, Haas explained that digital can also connect back into our history. She says that it relates to older systems such as hieroglyphics. This means that writing is a form of multimedia which Faigley touches on. He says that though writing is multimedia it is more noticeable in a digital lense. Manovich also touches on this topic and stated that digital media isnt what made new media different however, he said its easier. Online forms of communication are able to connect old forms of writing to something very modern and especially in terms of rhetoric. This brings us to the point of digital rhetoric which was kind of a harder concept for me to understand. I explain online rhetoric as using media outlets to share ideas. This goes hand in hand with social media, websites, or even blog posts for example.


We see this now in modern times where older forms of documents (such as the hieroglyphs mentioned before) are able to almost bridge a gap between old and new when using technology. Times have evolved and changed so much compared to centuries ago. Though modern technology and media can have its ups and downs it truly is a resourceful tool to many in this generation as a whole. Times will continue to only grow further and evolve more. Who knows what new forms of technology and media we will have in the future?



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