Does Privacy Exist in Digital Technologies?



Putting Privacy Into Perspective

As I began reading Lindsey Kim’s text, Woolf mentioned needing her own privacy to write and how it affects our writing processes. I couldn’t help but think back to last semester when we studied our own writing processes. Some classmates and peers studied writing in different environments and even myself. I wrote better when in a quiet study area with the door closed and no interruptions. Woolf’s thesis “a woman must have a room of her own if she is to write”, helped put things into perspective for me.

Victim in Zero Digital Privacy

I do think privacy affects our writing processes but I wasn’t aware of how it affected our writing digitally. I know that who and what I interact with on social media is what pops up most on those apps. However, I never stopped to think about the data and information I’m unknowingly giving away that affect my writing. Filter bubbles were never a thought that crossed my mind. Now I can’t help but wonder how I have limited myself from preconception experiences online due to my data flow. With this new found knowledge about filter bubbles, agency, and data flow I understand how much of an effect it has on our writing.

When we exert agency it affects how and what we come across for brainstorming ideas, discussions, and or debates. We receive biased results based on what we search. Results that validate the perspective and thoughts we already have rather than challenging us. The data we give out is what we receive back. How is that supposed to help us learn if we remain in a cycle with people who have the same thoughts and agree with it. There is no room or door we can just shut in the digital world to protect ourselves. However going forward we can be more aware of how and what information we give out. 


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