Keeping Your Digital Privacy Safe in an Unsafe World

INTRO: Digital Privacy & Digital Identity

I will explore my thoughts and takeaways for all of my readings in this blog. This first post will go into Digital Privacy and Digital Identity. My first thought: I may need a closer look at the WordPress user agreement to ensure my Digital Privacy is in good hands.


Martha Fay Burtis’ article prompted me to reconsider my technology use in the classroom and daily life. Keene State’s examples deepened my understanding of technology’s role in shaping the future of higher education. Universities must safeguard student digital privacy and monitor their digital identity to mitigate potential dangers of technology.

Learning Management Systems

Something that stood out to me was how educators are using technology as a part of their curriculum, Learning Management Systems are a big part of this. Canvas, as an LMS, provides students with a unified and accessible platform. Canvas aids organization, facilitating grade checks, communication with instructors, and collaboration among students. The article explores how LMS, like Canvas and WordPress, can create, reach audiences, develop a voice, and apply lessons elsewhere.


During Covid-19, computers and technology became essential to learning. I personally became a big fan of online learning and using canvas or blackboard to self teach. It is extremely beneficial that I live in a time where technology exists. It amazes me how simply Canvas has been made for students and teachers. Teachers and professors are able to put in all important materials in the modules, which makes it easy for the students to navigate. 


WordPress was mentioned a lot throughout the read and it was something that I was very unfamiliar with and never used before until this assignment. I learned that it is a content management system that lets one create their own work and build websites. You can use it for a portfolio, and blogging. I look forward to using WordPress this semester to become more familiar with the platform. Based on the article it sounds like it could be very beneficial for me in my future. I would like to learn more about it and play around with the website.



This article by Lindsey C. Kim demonstrated why a deeper level of privacy of my personal information and data is important. As information becomes more public and accessible, privacy has been hard for people to maintain. Most people will provide a lot of information about themselves through social media and their overall digital footprint. Other entities are collecting information from individuals who are unaware as well. From my perspective as a mother I plan to be more conscious of the websites my daughter is visiting and what her online presence looks like.

Social Media

Every time I post something I try to be very careful about what I share. As a daughter, mother, employee, student, etc. it is important to be conscious of your online identity. Anything posted on the internet will never go away and will always be preserved. It is very scary when you think about what people can find or learn about me without ever meeting me in person. This article stated: “A simple web search from even the most unsophisticated of smart phones generates a lengthy record of new data.” Although the use of smart phones is taking place in nearly every room I enter, the amount of data being compiled is not something I had considered.

Example: Murder Case

The phone can see what you have searched and the location. This reminded me of the recent murder case of Brain Walshe that happened in 2023. Let me refresh your memory. This man who was married to Ana Walshe killed his wife and the way they solved the case was going through his phone history. Police say Walshes’ phone data showed his location of his past travels and web searches. One of his search questions was “how long before a body starts to smell.” There was a list of 21 google searches from his phone. Everything we do is tracked online and can be used against you in the future. In this example, Brian Walsche’s online footprint helped convict him, an undeniably positive result.

Digital Footprint

If someone looked in at my past 10 google searches, they would definitely think I am weird. My habit is to Google any random question, but I forget it’s documented and occasionally monitored. It is important to know how to maintain my privacy and this article provides some great insight on how to do so. For example, I found it interesting that it would take 76 workdays per year to just read through privacy policies for every service I use.

The article leaves me needing to gain knowledge and skills the best I can to help make a difference in my digital identity and digital privacy. I think we need to become more aware of how much computers and phones are able to do and realize we don’t have any privacy anymore. We need to make sure we are appropriate and doing the right thing and then we wouldn’t face any problems.

These two articles connect because they are both related to digital technology. As I mentioned earlier in my post here, this article told me about what the web and other sources can do and how they are useful. The other article told us how to preserve our work in digital environments.

Why Colleges Should Protect Student Privacy:

In today’s world, we must make college students aware of the dangers that come with digital technology. Students use digitally stored personal and academic data, and every move they make on the internet can be traced back to them. To protect against theft, loss, and unwanted access, students must maintain digital privacy.


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