When the term “Digital Literacy” is referred to, it is clear the topics that come to mind. Most will say this literacy refers to anything that requires technology whether it’s a phone or computer Digital literacy is much more complex than we think it is. This literacy can be defined by multiple meanings, the first one including reading and writing. It consists of reading and writing with a number of sign systems such as video and animation. I view digital literacy as multiple ways to create and share digital content. This content can be shared through social media for both educational and entertaining purposes.
A word that sticks out to me is “multimedia”, which is something that Gregory Ulmer uses when he talks about electracy. This is a method used within digital literacy that suggests multimedia to access virtual worlds. This is an interesting subtopic because when I think about multimedia I think about social media. I think about the different ways to communicate and share information on the web. Multimedia consists of text, image, audio, and amination elements to create content. By classifying these abilities as literacies, it signals the importance of functionality in today’s world. Some of these abilities include listening to podcasts, creating animated videos, and even audio slideshows. Multimedia can also be displayed in the classroom using a computer. A teacher can demonstrate this concept by sharing instructional videos for students and creating online games.
Technology in Society
With society and technology constantly changing, digital literacy also changes. These changes provide a wide range of abilities to learn and experience. Throughout the article, “21st century literacies” is another topic that is discussed. This is a literacy that caught my attention very quickly because it is something that has never come to mind. There were a few ideas sparked from this concept, including online newspapers and virtual learning abilities. Virtual classrooms were extremely important during the Covid-19 pandemic, as it was the only way of learning. This can be described as a digital literacy because it uses audio, video, text, and animation for learning purposes. It was something that required navigating to attend lectures, complete assignments, and take exams. Digital literacy is involved in everyday life without realizing!
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