






Intertextuality has references that are designed to connect to other texts in the Web. The biggest factor of this according to Warnick from “Digital Rhetoric” is, “political parody and parody advertisements”. (119) People will design a mockery of a real subject and make it comical, mostly having to do with different parties of politics or possibly false advertising. The reasoning behind this analogy is to make you think of other subjects when on the Web.

Types of Intertextuality

Explicit– Do you think of another movie that reminds you of what you are currently watching? Explicit intertextuality is a remodel of something else origional with a common theme.

Implicit– This type is clear in showing two or more references from various online settings

Allusory– Examples of this intertextuality show up mostly in films, referring to another

Why Should We Care?

As seen in the examples above, multiple references appear in other places. Sound familiar? If you scroll on your social media, you might find advertisements that re in your common interest, or was previously doing research on. You might be thinking, “I don’t recall doing research on this topic on my social media platforms.” That specific topic came back around rom the previous search that was done on the Web from your device. Your data from your search history and others like online shopping will appear again, but possibly in a new manner. For example, if you were showing interest on something on the Web, that data point will be saved on your device. In the near future, something very similar will come up on your screen to remind you of the subject that you were originally into. Here’s the question: Where’s the privacy in that system? Sure, it helps non-recognized companies that may be a knockoff of something real, or a spin off of an original show. However, Web authors do this to make you connect to something original by forcing the subject back in your life.


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