A close up of a spiderweb with an out of focus green background. There are a few dew drops on the threads.

Memorable Moments: Intertextuality





Not only was she last class’s most memorable moment, but she was the perfect example of this post’s topic, Eyman’s take on intertextuality.

“I am who I am because I am who I am.”. These words were spoken by none other than Nicki Minaj.

Despite the profound truth in her words, Eyman may disagree. We are constantly influenced by our environment. I think we labeled these ideas as “copycatting.”. But how? No one is born all-knowing without the influence of their environment. For example, we’ve all been fans of something. That being either a band, streamers, actresses/actors, etc. We’ve all picked something from these people. Think of Phoebe Bridgers’s openness about Elliot Smith’s influence on her work. Taylor Swift and th Dixie Chicks.

I don’t know about others, but when I see a sentence I like from a book, the inspiration tends to linger when gauging motivation to write pieces like this. Literary echos, one would say. The reason why I know the word “convoluted” is because I picked it up from a podcast I loved in high school. Influence as such sticks and shifts to fit ourselves out in the world.

In Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric, Eyman doesn’t make it easy to grasp his pivotal point. With a little digging, alas, it exists. One thing I can say for certain is that Eyamn is advocating for some shifts in online environments through the adjustment of rhetorical methods.

In other words, not everything has to be a jaw-dropping novelty. Solutions to our problems existed in the past. Methods from the past are just as effectively productive in modern times. It is important to drag them along with digital development. They can continue to work as beings shift from physical media to digital media. By harnessing the power of digital rhetoric, we can navigate these spaces more consciously and assertively.

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One response to “Memorable Moments: Intertextuality”

  1. […] is a beautiful concept. Never heard it previously to this. Never forgetting it after this. Intertextuality. Professor Friend described it as any text of reading that gets its […]

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