opened books scattered on top of one another

Text: Just a Bunch of Printed Words?




Alissa Damiano

Whenever we hear the word “text,” our minds immediately think of words that are printed onto a page. Text is supposed to mean something, so wouldn’t they have to be words in order to convey a message?

The answer is absolutely not. Think about the times you have understood a message or a story through a simple picture. You may have been told, a picture is worth a thousand words. That in itself is a very true statement.

To back up this statement, Eyman discusses that, “Any object, collection of objects, or contexts can be ‘read’ by tracing and retracing the slipping, contradictory network of connections, disconnections, presences, absences, and assemblages that occupy problematic spaces.”

Text is a very broad topic and is not as black and white as we may perceive it to be. It is overall incorporated into things that we may not even realize.

So What Is Text?

It can be anything put together to persuade an audience or inform them on a specific topic. In this new digital age, the words and language we use on social media can be used to persuade others. While this is true, the visuals we put out can be just as persuasive as well.

Text is also meant to convince an audience of a certain idea or viewpoint. Even something as simple as a symbol can be considered persuasive text. As writers we should always be aware of how we can influence a discourse based on our texts. This is why having text in a any shape or form is important in persuading a specific group or audience.

In addition, our texts should influence the way we think and how we connect to audiences. The way we convey text says a lot about who we are and how we want others to percieve our work.


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