Let’s discuss “Text”





Let’s discuss “text.” What does the word “text” mean to you? Many of us would think about text in the sense of a text message. Often times, we think it means a printed text on page. In the article Digital Rhetoric, the author first thought of “text” as a rather constrained concept that only referred to printed text. The author states, “I initially understood “text” to be a fairly limited term that referenced printed text.” Depending on the context, the term “text” might signify many things. The term “text” is used to describe written, printed words and symbols that transmit information, ideas, or messages in the broadest meaning. This may apply to any written content, such as books, articles, documents. Let’s discuss text now on a deeper level.

Understanding “Text” on a deeper level:

“Let’s now explore what ‘text’ means in a different context. In the study of digital rhetoric, ‘text’ is a broad term encompassing all types of digital content. Digital rhetoric examines persuasive and communicative techniques used across various digital platforms, such as websites, social media, multimedia presentations, and more.

In this context, ‘text’ goes beyond traditional written text to include a wide range of digital materials. This encompasses written content found on digital platforms like articles, blog posts, essays, tweets, status updates, and comments. It also includes non-textual media like visuals and music, frequently used in digital contexts for persuasion and communication.

Furthermore, in digital rhetoric, navigational elements like buttons, links, and interactive features are considered as forms of ‘text.’ They are crucial for guiding users and conveying information.

“Essentially, in digital rhetoric, ‘text’ refers to the diverse array of digital materials. It encompasses various communication techniques used to persuade, inform, and engage audiences in the digital realm.” It encompasses both traditional written text and the various multimedia and interactive components that make up digital communication.”


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