an array of media ranging from 1900’s-2000’s

Ideas in Media





J.D. Applen dives into modularity, variability, interactivity and brings up new ideas that can be made when considering them. By comparing new and old media we learn more about what these applications mean and what they meant to society back then.

I’m so glad we go over the definitions of words we will see in blog posts before we do them. I know I would be so lost at the “modularity” section of this reading if we didn’t. I have a few ideas of things that I believe are modular. Like a vending machine since you can put whatever items into the slots and take them out and replace them. Or maybe how a parking lot you can replace an empty spot with a car and so on. I feel these examples are fitting but maybe they’re too limiting? I know our websites are good examples of modularity since we can insert and remove practically whatever we want. But sometimes we can’t change everything we want to so it can be somewhat limited. So maybe terms apply when it comes to modularity.

Applen mentioned the new idea variability brought up about there being more individuality with new media. I can definitely see that as we can create our own meaning to a book/film but did they not do that back then? There’s no way because veryone lived a similar lifestyle or cared about society that no one created there own idea of media. I believe maybe those things weren’t shared publicly.

Ideas Becoming Reality

We did talk about the differences between engaging and interactive media, again I am grateful for that. Manovich argues that the myth that technologies like hypertexts are more interactive is more complex. You have to be reshaping the work to be a product that you find desirable, specifically to you.

Medium and content can interplay with rhetoric as these devices can be used to influence or persuade the reader/user. The type of medium you use can already be perceived by the user. For example if you post an article on The Onion users will know that the information on there is untrue. Or posting on Facebook as people would know that you are targeting a certain demographic. Content I believe plays a big part in rhetoric. The content you create can use rhetoric to again influence or persuade your reader. By keeping in mind your medium and content you are using rhetoric even if you don’t realize it.


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