It Is The Media





Media is all around us. From traditional media like books to more mainstream media like social platforms or movies and television shows. It’s our job to interpret what we can and continue to make changes.  

The media isn’t just movies or to use socially. There’s the news media. It provides us with information about what is happening locally along with what is happening around the world. As of now the most talked about thing on news channels within the past few days has been the Israel-Hamas War.

My Thoughts on Media

I personally am quite happy having only a few seconds to minutes just scrolling along on the news feed. Most of the videos are a great watch and sometimes offer a little life lesson to them. However, I am not connecting with others for just a second. The pictures, memes, and funny videos are shared numerously with my friends and some family. I’m having two conversations with one person using two different platforms.

To answer a few questions proposed from the reading our experiences online are very similar to those to Baudelaire’s flâneur. People are always just scrolling through social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter now known as X. Some of the things we scroll through we won’t always pay direct attention to.

Being on the internet allows for me to personally voice my opinion. I can post without caring about the extra comments I may receive. I can respond and add more of my own thoughts and beliefs as people comment. A post being made a stand is taken on whatever the topic is. 

The type of media we use has a say in how we behave and act. It affects the way we think. The many platforms used do different things which allows us to act in different ways.


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