An overhead view of a laptop in the lap of a woman wearing pink lounge pants. She holds a teacup with latte art in one hand.

This Blog Post is Not Important




Amanda Reu


This may seem like an odd choice of title for a blog post. I have something to say, so why would I discredit my own words before I even begin? What I want to talk about is actually exact reason I have titled this post as I have. This blog post may not be important, this blog may not be important, but the ability to blog is.

The Medium is the Message

Applen quotes McLuhan in an aptly named section of his book “Writing for the Web : Composing, Coding, and Constructing Web Sites”. McLuhan ‘s words “The medium is the message”, is exactly the concept I am invoking by dismissing the significance of this post. The basic sentiment of this phrase is that a single piece of text is never going to matter more than the invention of its medium.

Let’s take the example of blogging. Blog hosting websites, from WordPress, to Blogger, to Tumblr, allow users to create their own page on the internet. On this personalized page, they are able to essentially create a digital journal of whatever they wish. If someone’s passion lies in travel photography, they can post their pictures and document their travels. Is analysis of popular film and television your passion instead? Your blog can reflect that just as easily. A blog could also be the perfect medium for you to organize and share recipes you’ve created and discovered. Blogs are a reflection of their owners.

What makes a Blog Important

The ability to share yourself and your thoughts in this way is the message of a blog. Blogs are more personal than a professional website, but not restricted to a particular format (such as image, short videos, or short posts) in the same way as popular social media platforms. A singular blog page, therefore, is never going to hold the same significance as the creation of the blog.

The Message of the Web

Applying this idea to the internet as a whole is an interesting thought exercise. With the entire internet available as long as one has a strong connection, the clear message is that information is readily accessible. With a few clicks, you can search for the answer to any question you may have. You can find videos explaining a topic in detail, or a post detailing the same in written form.

However, this is assuming that everyone has the same access to this information. Digital Redlining affects internet users to different degrees, most notably those with lower socioeconomic status. There is free and easily accessible information on the web, but there is also information hidden behind paywalls. Scientific journals and academic databases in particular are often only accessible through a university (attendance of which also comes with a hefty price tag), or through a great amount of one’s personal finances. Information may also be filtered differently depending on who is using the web. Factors such as location, age, gender etc. can affect the content promoted to an individual.

I would argue that that fact is more important than everything on the internet, including this post.


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