Web Privacy



The web is an interesting topic and the number of things we can do on there changes all time. We have our own ways of achieving privacy on they web. Yet, do we really have any privacy at all. We can be on it for hours just mindlessly scrolling. We can use it to communicate with others all over the place. Upon going online there aren’t many people who will take into account all the different things that go into me just signing into Google.

The privacy aspect of the web can be a bit off putting. Most people from back in the days of Facebook first coming around we didn’t think of privacy. We knew to add friends, play farmland and make statuses. As we became we thought about our privacy and how it can affect us.

Most people these days tend to have their profiles hidden. This helps hide information you wouldn’t want future employers to see, yet this doesn’t solve the privacy problem. Keeping the profile hidden helps track who is allowed to view the content you post. No matter what people are able to get access to you or personal information even if you think it is all sealed.

Personal Privacy Gone

Hackers are a great example. All they need maybe is your email or phone number. Recently right here at Kean I was a victim of bank fraud. One of the websites used to buy tickets for Kean Stage lacked a security system. The hackers responsible were able to take my card information. With that they withdraw large amounts of money from me and I’m sure others as it became a huge problem. Everyone who input their card information was a risk.

Our phones are the biggest invasions of our own web privacy. How many times have you been talking with family or friends about something. As soon as you go on your phone you’ll most likely see an advertisement of the topic you just discussed. Cellphones listen to us everyday even when we aren’t using them.

All applications download ask you whether or not they can track your actions to improve quality and make everything tailored towards the user. Martha Fay Burtis mentions this in her article Messy & Chaotic Learning “…it turns out that understanding Facebook algorithms really does matter…” Social media applications like Instagram and Facebook track you every time you sign on. The reels and other videos pop up based upon how often you have watched similar videos and liked them. These videos create part of the algorithm that allows.


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