dumpster with books on top of it. It quotes " Think before you speak.Read before you speak."

Does Digital Rhetoric Just Mean Persuasive Argument?

 Origin Of Rhetoric

The origin of digital rhetoric extends into the meaning of persuasive argument. The whole point was to overpower a large audience in order to bring them to a speaker’s point of view. Reading Eymen idea on digital rhetoric made me disagree with the statements made by a bunch of theorists who believed that digital text only focused on hyperlink. While it is true that Hyperlink is one of the main focus. I can also agree with the idea that words and visual also matter.

Doug Brent’s “ Rhetorics of the Web” discusses the hypertext. Making a note that hypertext is a new rhetorical function. Brent then identifies digital networks to current theories. “The term ‘rhetoric’ has expanded well beyond the original meaning of a persuasive argument designed to overpower an audience and bring them over to the speaker’s point of view. Brent’s invocation of “New Rhetoric.”  

Understanding Persuasion

Eymen talks about the turn rhetoric takes on computers, writing composition. In order to make a connection between media communications and rhetorical practices Eymen discusses the idea of us understanding the word “ persuasions”. Charles Bazerman (1999), for instance, has described persuasion as “the entire range of actions occurring across all discourse networks”. Personally I believe this was a very perfect example of what persuasion is. everyone can use it in all different forms. Charles Bazerman makes a great point describing it as a discourse network.

Meanwhile James Zappen ( 2005) noted that digital media covers a fraction of communication in digital spaces. Enhancing the idea that new media is supported by old rhetoric. And persuasion into a new form. Which would encourage self – expression, participation, and creative collaboration. 

Classical Rhetoric

“In electric Rhetoric” by Kathleen Welch (1999) approaches the idea that the value of classical rhetoric as the basis of analyzing new forms of communication. A system of discourse theory that covers history, politics, educational institutions, and, perhaps most important, the everyday uses of languages that arise from ideological positioning.

I found this approach from Kathleen Welch very straightforward and also very interesting. The reason why I found it very interesting is because Welch retraces interpretive lens for both video and screen. In order to effectively meet her overall argument.


Eymen states one prime example of online media that are stated in Eymen reading, “Rhetorical forms in online media also include co produced media discourse, online political campaigns and parody, epideictic discourse in online memorials, and other forms of appeal.” This kind of form is aimed at us in specific communication outlets and or context. 


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