How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • On What Platforms?

    On What Platforms?

    Modern day has made us pay a lot of mind to the platforms we are using and weight our usage of them. Gen Z, more than anyone, has glorified…

  • Messages and their medium

    Messages and their medium

    Every social media platform has official and unofficial rules that affect what can and can’t be posted. Does the medium affect the message too?

  • Medium and Messages

    Medium and Messages

    There is importance in understanding the messages within a medium and the effect that it has in society, culture, and the classroom.

  • Message & Mediums

    Message & Mediums

    A look at the true message being displayed through the invention and implementation of new technologies through the lenses of McLuhan and Carr.

  • Platforms


    Technology and other platforms allow people to become exposed to new experiences, however, children need to seek more hands on devices.

  • Platform Importance

    Platform Importance

    Every platform has a different vibe as well as a certain amount of constraints and affordances. All of this impacts the type of message.